Who is your safest sexual partner? Prevent STDs and HIV

Who is your safest sexual partner? Prevent STDs and HIV

Sex, being one of the most fundamental activities for humans, is especially important for everyone's physical and mental health. However, if you don't take any precautions, you risk further spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs), putting yourself or your sexual partners at risk. Therefore, it's imperative to stop engaging in unsafe sexual practices to protect yourself or your sexual partners from STIs.

Safe Sexual Practices

Safe sexual practices involve taking precautions during sexual activity to avoid the exchange of semen, vaginal secretions, or blood between partners. The most common and effective method is using physical barriers like condoms. This helps better prevent STIs during vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, and oral sex.

How to Reduce the Risk of STDs

Engaging in safe sexual practices can help you stay healthy and even enhance your sex life. Of course, besides using physical barriers, there are many other ways to achieve safe sexual behavior.


While anyone can contract an STI, the highest risk is associated with having multiple sexual partners, bisexual individuals, and gay men. If you have a partner, be faithful to your relationship. It helps build a stable relationship and reduces the risk of STIs. If you're single, it's best to get tested for STIs together before engaging in sexual activity and share the results.

Avoid Excessive Drinking and Drug Use

Drugs and alcohol can impair your brain function, making it harder for you to think clearly and leading to poor decision-making. Avoid engaging in regrettable sexual activities such as unprotected sex or multiple partners.

Other Sexual Health Recommendations

Fantasizing or engaging in phone sex


Caressing your partner through non-sexual massages

Rubbing your partner's body while clothed

Who is Your Safest Sexual Partner?

People nowadays are complex. The only absolutely safe way is to avoid all sexual contact with others. That's why health officials in Oregon say, "You are your safest sexual partner." Indeed, you can't transmit STIs to yourself.

Here, we introduce another safest sexual partner - lifelike TPE/silicone sex dolls. They are the most advanced adult masturbation toys on the market, with hyper-realistic appearance and feel. A brand-new, clean, lifelike sex doll can provide you with an ultra-realistic sexual experience, and it's absolutely safe.

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