What is Silicone Sex Doll?

What is Silicone Sex Doll?

What is silicone?

Organosilicon, also known as polysiloxane, is a mixture of silicone polymers with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Due to its chemical inertness, waterproof and oxidative properties, as well as stability at high and low temperatures, organosilicon has been widely used in commercial applications, from lubricants to wire insulation and biomedical implants. This is why silicone has been used in the sex toy and sex doll industry for many years. Generally, silicone dolls on the market are more expensive than TPE dolls.

Unique features of silicone sex dolls:

Hair implantation effect: Because the material of silicone sex dolls is relatively hard, they can have hair implanted, including eyebrows. Whereas TPE dolls, due to their softer material, tend to lose implanted hair more quickly.

Drawbacks: Due to the relatively hard material of silicone sex dolls, achieving oral sex functionality with silicone heads is quite challenging. Most silicone heads provided by manufacturers on the market do not have oral sex functionality. We offer uniquely developed soft silicone heads. These not only maintain the realistic appearance of silicone material but also provide users with a comfortable oral sex experience.

Ultra-realistic appearance: Typically, silicone sex dolls have a better realistic appearance. To meet the demand of some users for an ultra-realistic sensory experience, we provide a series of silicone sex dolls with detailed makeup of veins all over the body, making the dolls look extremely lifelike. The dolls have veins and freckles all over their bodies, and enhanced skin texture. One customer review stated that it's even hard to distinguish between the legs of a person and the legs of the doll if there are no seams. In short, visually transforming the doll into a real person.

More durable: The durability of dolls has two aspects: resilience and tear resistance. The latest silicone we use is different from most materials on the market. It is slightly less soft to enhance resilience and tear resistance. In the past, there were risks during transportation, and the doll might have some dents in harsh transportation environments. With this silicone, everything is no longer a problem. Also, if left lying on a hard floor for too long, the buttocks may sink and not return. But ours will return within 90 minutes, usually 30-45 minutes.

Low maintenance: Silicone sex dolls are easier to clean and disinfect compared to TPE sex dolls. They can be disinfected without worrying about liquids penetrating the skin and causing damage. Due to their resistance to dirt and the incompressibility of the skin, they can better maintain their shape and require less maintenance. However, after use, don't forget to clean the anus and vagina.

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